Friday 19 August 2016


It's another wet morning. 
There used to be strange noises recorded as coming off the sea.
Have you heard of those? They had various names,
One of which was "gouffre"
A bit like sound mirages perhaps.
I remember hearing them on a beach somewhere when i was younger,
Probably on one of those interminable Penmaemwahr holidays.
Today if you hear an odd noise coming off the sea, it seems,
From the newspapers at least,
That somebody is building a wind farm,
At least that's how it was explained in a Worthing newspaper recently.

I wonder what it was in the days when what was out there
was only shipping?
The end of, or a ghostly reminiscence perhaps,
Of Atlantis?
The last hyperborean echoes have been lost forever.
Prince Namor won't be seen walking the streets any longer
trying to remember who he is,

But i expect there'll be another alleged film based allegedly
On old marvel characters, about him shortly, as well.
The only one of those, which has any feel at all
For the original is the Ghost  Rider.

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