Sunday 14 August 2016

I am trying to organise a twitter page, 
And am currently working out how to get to grips with it.
I also have been organising making my web links more easily recognisable.
Difficult when you have a common name like mine.

Yesterday i was mounting an exhibition of my photographs of India,
 in Worthing, uk,so have been very busy. 
Details of that are on facebook.
I hope all links to match up with "terry a k white."

Anyway, i have a great affinity with the Indian subcontinent.
Especially Tibet and Nepal. 
I felt very in rapport in Agra, at the Taj, 
Which is as special as it is made out to be. 
I may have mentioned that i thought
I may have been there in another incarnation.

Maybe i could have been one of those who was involved in its building, 
or watched it being built. It has a special meaning for me. Maybe that
connection has a significance in terms of my abiding interest in Buddhism.
I like the way that they employ demons as dark protectors,
The Green Tara for example, or the garuda.
I like the melding of good and evil into the concept of wisdom.
Eastern thought has an edge to it that i like

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