Thursday 4 August 2016

Rennes 3

I can't help wondering if De Cherissey, 
when he was devising the code around Poussin and Teniers 
Had the carvings at Shugburgh in mind.
Could he have visited it, at least know about it.
There's a claim that the code there has been used to render the word Magdalene.
Whatever, it predates the whole Plantade De Cherissey story, and conspiracy
To draw the Berenger Sauniere treasure story into a plot 
And giving Plantade a historical and mystical origin, 
But maybe it did have some kind of foundation, which was embellished.
All of the best stories have a factual origin in something substantial.

There is geometry in works of art. 
it's that quality of the mind of the artist, which creates shapes, 
and identifies linkages, between things in space. 
Why a photographer's eye defines a form between the objects of his selected image.
There will be design and shapes because there is a depth to an image, 
and you get taught at school about perspective
Using lines converging into the distance. 
Also there is the golden mean, as well as other aesthetic principles,
 that establish themselves.
Here though, I wonder if there isn't a tendency to select certain 
Works of art for a specific purpose,
That De Cherissey and the rest have latched on to, for their own purposes.
What were the original purposes.

Mythis us funny. It doesn't just die. It stops starts, takes off again, 
In a totally different way.

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