Wednesday 3 August 2016

rennes 2

Rennes 2

I find this whole story of a modern myth developing out of old material
Quite fascinating.
Of course a lot of it is fiction.
The writers need to check their sources properly, and 
as a family historian i know that you can't make an assumption
Stand alone by itself. 
You have to get a number of pieces of complimentary evidence.
Then facts slot into place. 
The facts here seem to be very mixed.
Plantade and others placed a lot of dicuments in the Biblioteque Nationale,
And the authorities there themselves were very dubious about them.
The codes appear to have been devised by one of the conspirators, and 
Owe their origin to him, not to any factual material.
Apparently the quoted source book for the scripts on the tombstones come from a spurious source given in De Sede's book. 

A lot of work has been done from the days of Henry Lincoln's researches, 
Which i remember seeing as a kid, to add in the conspiracy on behalf
Of Plantade's royal ancestry as fact, and bringing in Christ 
And the Vatican into a bigger conspiracy.
But what prior to Plantade and Sede actually was real?

If this "Holy Grail" story originates out of people being misled by the conspiracy
Then what can be verified?

I have a number of questions. 
One is about the alleged "pentacle " geometry in the Poussin painting..

How much did the Poussin painting interest
 Phillipe de Cherisey, who was responsible for its complexities?
It obviously played a large part in his construction. 
What i wanted to know is why  the interest in this painting.
Lincoln goes to Shugburgh to see a weird inscription there associated
With a copy of the Poussin painting.
As Lincoln says surely this is a hard coincidence to take in.
This dates to 1748-63 according to Wiki.
That's worth a look, as it seems to suggest that there is 
After all something about Poussin.....

To be continued...

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