Monday 29 August 2016

Amherst 3

Hubbell writes a narrative as a story, based on what he was told, 
but his arrival is when the events were closing, and near the end of the book.
Not so much because they were petering out, as because
they had become too much for the family, and she was sent away.
He arrived at the end of June 1878, and she left at the end of July.
Perhaps the poltergeist,
or else Esther's element of the equation,
had been roused by all the attention, and the presence of a visitor coming especially
to take an interest in the case, and escalated its fire raising bahviour.
Much as Maurice Gross did by his presence in Enfield.
which isn't to say that any of this had to be consciously the action
of Esther Cox.

It's a very creditable case, despite who Hubbell was.
The copy, which i have, appears to have been printed around 1879, 
when Hubbell visited Esther for the last time,
Which gives the narrative more credibility.

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