Thursday 11 August 2016

Borley 2

Borley 2

Whether there really was an original haunting at Borley before the build up depends on 
How much of the original stories in circulation coming from the Bulls,
Accurately did represent evidence of a haunting, and from the Smiths. 
I gather doubts have been cast over that.
I have to say that it's very easy to cast doubt
In retrospect, when all of the participants are dead, which may be more about a modern generation wanting to destroy the credibility of the past.

There was perhaps some element  
which did represent a haunting, which was magnified 
By extra and dubious material Into so many books.

I have all of the original Harry Price books, and they are
Enjoyably produced copies, unlike so many books today.
. It's a pity that so much rubbish has got into their pages,
From the Foysters and the Marie Lairre nonsense.

It would be serious if there were nothing in it, as it's almost a British
 as well we need the mystery .
Without this there would be nothing to stand agwinst the stupid prosaicness
 of this idiot society

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