Friday 30 December 2016

witching and trials

No recurrence of my toothache,
Though i couldn't get a dental appointment.
So i'll have to cold pedal, and see if i survive. 
The flat is riddled with damp again, 
and i am so fed up with everything.
Anyway, to witches....

Do you remember the M R James story Number 13?
Whatever happened to decent Christmas ghost stories on tv?
Was that founded on the story of Walpurga Housmannin, perhaps,
A witch who had a demonic suitor?

Walpurga was an Austrian woman who confessed to being
a witch, under torture, during the preparations for her  witch trial.
She was a midwife, who had, she said, been visited by a demon in 1566,
(Numerologically 666 you might notice)
who made promises to empower her, if she compacted herself to Satan.
The demon was called Federlin, had sex with her, and took her to Satan, 
who she also had intimate relations with. Story has it that they
 feasted on roast babies, presumably because she was a midwife?

She had an ointment from her demonic lovers, which could kill,
and hurt others, and she confessed to killing 40 children.
sucking their blood before they were baptised.
In collusion with other witches, she performed Satanic rituals, 
in which children were eaten.
She was sentenced to death, of course,
whatever the truth of her story.
She was taken through the streets, mutilated and tortured on the way,
to be burned at the stake.
Clearly her persecutors were little better than she was claimed to be.

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