Thursday 29 December 2016

more witchery

Mother Shipton 3

It's obviously dangerous to discuss Mother Shipton.
I tried yesterday. Sat down in a cafe about to blog and a toothache started.
It lasted on and off all day until it finally subsided enough,
 for me to get some sleep, after watching Father Ted.
Is that significant, do you think?
Maybe the brandy in a hot fruit drink helped.
"Feck, arse, drink," as Father Jack would say.

Anyway, as my jaw feels uncursed today... so far, I'll try again.

Did Mother Shipton actually exist?
Richard Head (1684) who wrote a book of her prophecies,
Admitted that he invented a lot of her history for the book,
But what lies beneath?
Book of prophecies

Was there an Agatha Southill or Southeil, who married a Toby Shipton?

If  not she's a figure who has come to be believed to have lived.
That'd be  a testimony to human creativeness, if nothing else.
Or maybe testimony to the power of the witch
that she could become real, even if she didn't exist!

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