Wednesday 21 December 2016

night of the demon

Night of the demon

This is more or less the classical image of a demon.
It's a version of the classical christmas ghost story 
Of M.R. James," Casting the Runes."
I say xmas because he read them to his group
of followers, often at xmas.

This hollywood version, much padded of course,
Works very well, up until the time when you see the demon itself,
but the noise of its coming is very effective, a sort of wheeling noise.
The monster itself is a bit too unbelievable.
 There was  another rendering of note.
The version with Jan Francis as a tv journalist, 
Who ends up with giant spiders in her bed.
As you do!!......
There the monster is much more ambiguous and shadowy.
Much more Jamesian.
Sly, mysterious, and on the verge of being totally ephemeral, 
utterly insidious.

 By the way, that has to be one of the all time greatest movie posters ever.

More classic ghost stories are needed at Christmas!!

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