Monday 12 December 2016

haunted house

Haunted House story

This comes from "Haunted Houses" by Camille Flammarion,
published 1924, at least in English.
Flammarion was a paranormal investigator who was an astronomer,
by profession, and was obviously very open-minded.
This tale is about a house in the Rue du Prieure at Fives, near Lille.
The source is the Independant of 6th and 8th July 1865.

"For the last fortnight there have been unexplained things happening
in the Rue du Prieure at Fives, and have caused a profound sensation
in the whole district. At certain intervals a hail of missiles arrives in the yards
of two dwellings in that street, which breaks the windows and sometimes
hits the inhabitants, without anyone discovering the place whence
they have come or the person who throws them. Things have come
to such a pass that one of the two tenants has had to protect the windows
 with wire netting for fear of being killed."

A policeman was hit in the back, and a glazier, repairing
a damaged window was also hit.The situation was soon to escalate,
when furniture moved by itself, overturned, shoes were seen to dance,
 and a belgian 2-pence piece dropped out of nowhere.

This case is interesting as it seems to pass beyond the realm
of a mere poltergeist to actual violence,
 and i'll look at how it escalated tomorrow

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