Tuesday 20 December 2016


The bug appears to be back, or it's another one.
I had a tooth extracted, and my jaw is bruised,
so it could be a mix of things.
I felt dreadful yesterday, and not a lot better today.
Maybe i shouldn't have questioned the existence of demons?

I simply believe that if there are negative spirits they come from within.
I don't think that the Balrog image of Tolkien
is really what a demon looks like.
Do demons really look like this?

None of the demons described in A Haunting look like this,
nor are they described as using hellfire?

If demons do, then i suspect it's a facility of the kind of demon
from hell itself, a senior, superior one.
Those demons which possess or terrorise us humans are 
probably juveniles, or the offspring of the original fallen angels,
Which are probably the ones more accurately described
as being the demons of hell.
This animated picture is probably one of the most 
effective renderings i've seen, to date, of the fire demon image.

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