Tuesday 13 December 2016

haunted houses

Haunted houses

That is about all the story. As in A Haunting, the tenants all
then move to sleep into one room, and leave what appears
 to be the most haunted room unoccupied.

Flammarion's book is filled with similar tales.
 This one has a demonical element as well.

It takes place in Comeda in Coimbra, a university town in Portugal
in October 1919. A student named Homem Christo who had been 
expelled from college for being a religious dissenter,
rented a house and occupied it with his wife and two maids.
His wife complained, from the very first night of hearing
strange noises.But worse was to come.
A friend, Gomez Paredes,  a second year law student, 
stayed with them for a night, and heard knocks on his window pane.
He opened his window but saw nobody, and went back to bed.
Shortly afterwards he heard doors opening and closing throughout
the house. He made a search, but found nothing or anybody up.
When he lit a candle it stopped, but when he put the candle out
to go to sleep it began again, and continued all night.
His host had not been disturbed.
Because of his religious convictions, Christo did not believe him, 
So he spoke to his father about it, to learn that other tenants before Christo
had found it hard to keep their tenancy of the house....

More  to come....

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