Sunday 11 December 2016

demons 5

I had a couple of very bad days, that bug again. 
It seems to come and go. Very tired by it, 
Little energy to do anything.

I can't find a story outside of the American tv and movie
world that i would call indicative of demon activity.
My criterion is that poltergeist activity would qualify
if it was violent enough, and nasty enough, 
and associated with individuals, as opposed to buildings, for a duration of time.
Obviously poltergeist activity itself is temporary,
and tends not to actually inflict harm.
The problem to my mind is that the stories 
from American programs like A Haunting, 
Is that the participants either have a Christian background,
or a medium is called in who says demon.
I don't entirely trust statements by mediums,
because in my view their claims are not usually verifiable
historically, and so how do i credit them when they say 
"Demon", which is even more subjective?

I'll come back to this. I don't believe such stories 
to be anything but extensions of the religious background
of the indigenous community.

I thought i'd relate some tales instead 
From Camille Flammarion, 
Who wrote Before, during and after death psychical stories,
And Haunted Houses,  c 1924.

I have to leave the demon issue pending.

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