Saturday 17 December 2016

demonic acrivity

Demonic activity

This is one of the main obstacles where demonic activity
begins, or might be supposed to be beginning,
that there is a credibility gap of one sort or another.
It must go with the territory.
Well, how do you believe that a horned beast emerges
from some other dimension to terrorise you?
How do you make others believe what seems
bizarre to yourself? How credible is the image
 seen in "Night of the Demon", or the "Goat of Mendes"
seated on the stump in the "Devil Rides Out."
I found it very hard to believe the description of a demon
in one of my own stories, so made her invisible.

I was reading on line Rev Fanthorpe's analysis of the demon
In England for the new series " True Supernatural."
A series on Really now. The trouble is, of course,
With this series, that they have fie or six "experts",
Fanthorpe, Jeff Meldrum (always on tap for discussing Bigfoot)
Etc, all saying the same thing, and making
 for a quite repetitive show. It's one of the failures of such programs,
where each portion after the adverts recaps,
that after 45 mins, you have gained 5 mins worth of new information.

Anyway, Fanthorpe gives the figures 968 incidents of demonic
activity in the last quarter century, 57 in Devon, 51 in Somerset,
46 in Wiltshire, 37 in Dorset, Norfolk and Lancs 32 each, 74 in Yorkshire,
And Inverness 39. Sussex and Derbyshire 30 each.
I'm glad Sussex got it's fair share!

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