Monday 12 December 2016

haunted house 1

The haunted house cont....

When the night came, the occupier decided to have a vigil. 
He heard a candlestick fall from the chimney piece, and 
when he bent to retieve it a piece of shellwork (on the mantle?) 
rolled to the ground. He stooped to pick that up,
 and the other candlestick fell on his back.

A servant sleeping upstairs called for help, and she was found
to be terrified, saying that she had been beaten. She was taken to another 
room, and then heard to cry out again, and the occupier could
hear the sounds of the blows that she was receiving.
The following day more Belgian money fell out of nowhere.

In the afternoon, the woman of the house went out with a friend,
 leaving the house in good order, and locked up. 
On their return they found a figure of 8 traced out with socks 
and stockings on one of the floors.

That evening, with a group of relatives and a lodger, she visited  all the rooms.
It was quiet, but in the morning, she found a figure traced on
the ground with hats. On the lower stairs, her husband
 nephew's, and lodger's overcoats,  surmounted by a hat.
Two knives whizzed past her, when she was cleaning,
 embedding themselves in the floor and ceiling.

 Tableaus, these often anthropomorphic designs are called.
They often feature in poltergeist cases.
This one does seem to have been quite violent,
Almost meeting a qualification for being demonic.

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