Tuesday 18 October 2016

vampires 2


What is interesting is the place that witches and vampires can have in 
some cultures. In the annals of vudu for instance there are 
Witches that will trap a man by making promises,
the fee for which can be the death of a relative. 
Sometimes in pursuit of power, he will have to choose
which of his relatives he sacrifices. 
Some sorcerors attack at night and drink blood. 

There is a sense in which sometimes the distinction between the witch 
and the vampire really blurs.
After all witches float, don't they? That was one of the ways of testing them.
Throw them in water, and they would not sink.
Trial by water, as, according to King James,
"that the water shall refuse to receive them in her bosom."
The vampire would come to the surface out of its grave, or be washed out 
into the river. Barber quotes  Folklore (1926) 
"vampires never drown, they always float on top."
For the Slavs, especially, apparently, witches and revenants tend to merge.
But not in the water!!

Please, please, don't try this at home, this Hallowe'en!

Maybe it's the same psychic power, which could make a man or woman
a witch, which could make them a vampire?
So if you want to be a witch maybe you should think twice?

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