Monday 3 October 2016



Ballechin house
The most haunted house in Scotland?
Well, it was demolished in 1963.
but back in the Victorian era it was taken to be haunted,
and the SPR wanted to investigate it, under the sponsorship of Lord Bute, 
John Crichton-Stuart. He was to give a free hand to
An investigator called Ada Goodrich Freer, 
who was something of a dubious character.
She claimed to be psychic and to be a seer, and was far from
averse to using shady practices to achieve her ends. 
using other people's researches, and claiming them to be her own,
and colouring her investigations with made up stories probably,
which sound spurious if you read them.

It's worth looking at The Alleged Haunting of B------- House
I found a copy on line some time ago.
Look at Mount Stuart ghost week

She was discredited, but her name crops up now and then. 
I visited Preston Manor in Brighton, which has its own assembly
of ghosts, of which more anon,
and i believe she held a seance there, claiming to 
contact spirits of the dead, who wanted to be interred properly.

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