Thursday 20 October 2016



Rather than use the word 'vampire'
for all of these species of the returned from the dead 
It might be better to use the word revenant,
 as each of these creatures seems to share the same 
sort of characteristics, being a body, which ought to be buried
and no longer alive, and which people believe has returned,
because it is overwhelmed with the unfinished business
of hatred, anger, or the lust for what it's lost, 
Flesh, blood, etc.

The story of the zombie, as described in voodoo, is somewhat different
from that, as it's raised by a sorceror, using poison, and isn't dead.
Of course, it could be argued that a revenant is the same -
It's not as dead as it ought to be, and it is alive somewhere.
If you knew how to call its consciousness back you could.
It's like that scene in the film, "The Princess Bride"
where the sorceror, Max, was it?, said that the hero was
"Nearly dead" 
and asked him what there was still worth living for?

Well, what is it that a revenant wants to live for?
Draculine vampires will probably say sex.
The best vampire in film that i ever came across, was 
in the film " Innocent Blood"
where vampires run riot because 
Anne Parillaud , who is lovely in the role,
"Didn't kill the food!"
Now there's a memorable vampire one-liner!!

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