Wednesday 12 October 2016


I just watched the millenium issue of the x files the other week,
Where the plot was that a necromancer was bringing back to life a group of 
plotters who thought that their rejuvenation would bring about the end of the world.
Obviously we did get through the millenium alright...
Although this might be debatable.

I went to see the Dee exhibition at the Royal College of Physicians in London
earlier this year. As i understand it, this particularly nasty-seeming dark art,
was not considered so bad in Dee's day, and they had a picture of him,
Painting by Henry Glindoni,
Standing in front of the court and the queen, allegedly when Elizabeth 1st 
visited him at his home, but that probably never happened.
He was originally painted in a circle of skulls, but the skulls had been painted out.

Dee was said to have had a concourse with a spirit raised by scrying 
with a crystal, thanks to his rather dubious assistant Edward Kelly, 
Another claiming to be psychic.

In Lovecraft's stories it's clear that the raised beings are 
not merely zombies, but something much more.
If they were zombies they wouldn't have been able to pass on secrets
from the past. 
Viz "the Case of Charles Dexter Ward."

I thought for Halloween i'd look at some of the creatures
 who will be supposed to walk 
at the end of the month.
Get your pumpkins ready!!

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