Tuesday 4 October 2016

Ballechin 2


Ada Goodrich Freer
Miss X, as she called herself, gives this account of seeing a ghost
Like Borley, she claims Ballechin had a nun.

"Against the snow i saw a slight black figure, a woman, moving up 
the glen. She stopped and turned, and looked at me. She was dressed as a nun.
Her face looked pale. I saw her hand in the folds of her habit. Then she moved on, as it seemed, on a slope too steep for walking. When she came under the tree
she disappeared - perhaps because there was no way to show her outline. Beyond the tree she reappeared for a moment, where there was again a white background, close by the burn. Then I saw no more. I waited, and then still in silence, we returned to the avenue"
She then goes on to say:
"I described what I had seen. The others saw nothing."
She was with her friend "Miss Moore" and two men.

What struck me when i read this was that it was one of the "biggest"events recorded 
during the period of the investigation there, but we only have her testimony, 
and it sounds "too good to be true", just what her story needed. 
Did she tell them that she was seeing it, when she did? 
No, only after they had walked away.

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