Monday 24 October 2016

The Were

I have to go to that other great horror of modern life
for Halloween, the dentist.
It looks as if i have to have three teeth extracted, so 
I may not be in a fit condition to blog.
I'll mention today werewolves i think, as it ought to include them.
Our primitive nature.

Is a werewolf a person with some mental health issue, somebody 
retreating into the primitive, or is our affinity with dogs
contagious in some way?
I sometimes get the feeling that really the human race is another
pack animal. That's why we and dogs get on so well. 
We aren't really civilised. Is it more like our societies 
have a similarity to, or grew out of, the Pack.
The mob, as struck London a short while ago, 
Hitler's Germany, examples of a state, where members of a group become
primitive within the allowance to do so by a large wild pack.

If so, why are werewolves so often loners, like vampires are?

Do you know the legend of the Wendigo? These tales of the Were resemble that.
I would recommend the story of that name by Algernon Blackwood,
as the best way into the lore of the Wendigo. 
It is again an ancestral spirit, or a strange wild force, a personification
of evil, within the elements. a legend of the backwoods....?

Algernon's work was uneven, and his novels generally sound trite, 
but his short stories are very haunting sometimes.
One of my favourites, especially The Willows.

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