Tuesday 31 May 2016

These are the other wrtings which i am working on.

THE DOLL's HOUSE   a story about a coastal museum and plague pits
THE MARK IN THE GLASS  a strange haunting leads to the beginning of apocalypse.
AFTER   survival in a post apocalyptic world.
DEMON BREEDERS  bk 1: a millionaire is trying to create a new type of demon
LILITH  bk 2 a group of supernatural financial brokers invite a cutoms officer with a bizarre ability to join them in loosing an ancient Hindu creature on London.But an ancient order of warriors has sent a representative to prevent the robbery of an ancient part of Indian mythic history and return it to where it belongs.
THE GHOSTS OF KATIE ROWAN a worker in a care home suspects the financial duplicity of her boss, and begins to realise that something is chasing him.
...very autobiographical that one !

Nearly all written, except After and Lilith,  but in course of editing.

 My major theme is that all human beings are at risk of being the hosts to demons. Not only in terms of possession, but as the incubators of demon infants, and this is because modern day demons are a type of third kingdom of animal life on this planet, with a closer affinity to plants than to animals. Unable to  breed with people, they find there are other ways to grow themselves from the human personality.

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