Tuesday 24 May 2016

    I want to create a writing list of my work.

    For anyone who wants to know what I've written....
 i'll post a few small lists over the upcoming days.

   The list of work are as follows:

 first of all: The Nadia Jamiessen stories

five so far.

*   I put my favourite one, the Nest, up first on Amazon Kindle, because  it has personal keyotes for me.(I'd even go as far as to say it has autobiographical elements - in a metaphorical sense.) I feel sympathy for the heroine of the story, threatened by he forces which run ( or it might be said ruin)  society, and utter frustration at the malignant faceless forces, which seem to be at work everywhere. .That's a theme of these stories, the battle against threats to the human world by 'supernatural' agencies, perhaps a bit tongue in cheek, with some terror elements to them.
Nadia supposedly works for a group of witch-hating vigilantes, who want to see witchcraft, which is rising to dominance again in society, stamped out. However, nothing Nadia either says or does  is simple. There is an older and darker magic in the 'Riding of the Hosts.'
          1.. The Bartocco Mix            ..                    written and in editing process
          2 The Garden of Rare Books                        written and in editing process 
                       * 3 The Nest                                               written and posted          
                      4 The Seal of Sigismund                             written and in editing process 
                           5 title not decided                                 in process of writing                          

                I'll blog list of other novels on my  processing list up in next blog

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