Wednesday 25 May 2016

I have always loved writing. I remember coming home from school late one evening in the dark, and seeing shapes in the trees, which i decided to describe in writing. I don't mean that i saw anything supernatural. But it led to my first ghost story, about a terror, which stalked the bagpipe player on the battlements of Edinburgh castle.
I was hooked with writing ghost stories after that.
Actually i haven't seen any?....exactly.... but i can recount some odd experiences.
This for instance.
I went to Nepal a few years ago, and this ball of light was in many of the photos, which I took through the window. Lens flare? How? I couldn't see the sun, and curtains were drawn on the other windows opposite. You can see the reflections of the windows on the other side of the van.
Spirit from the foothills of the Himalayas?

Do you believe in orbs?

I prefer to think in terms of the Spirit of the Place.

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