Monday 17 April 2017

tomb ghosts

Barrows etc

I  have an idea that shadow people are somehow 
connected to the demon phenomenon.
It's about how our minds leave a trail behind them, 
when negative emotion takes shape...
Or having spiritual phenomenon feeding on the shadows
of our course through life, perhaps. 
Evil times breed evil beings.
I sometimes wonder in my own darkest moments, if life isn't a sick joke, 
and some spiritual parasite doesn't feed off our suffering.
But then our darkness, our depression, our anger and hatred
could be said to be the parasite.

Do we leave our negative emotions behind us in some form 
when we die? Is that something like what ghosts are, actually?
There are tales about dark shadows running around or standing like 
  gravestones in cemeteries, and at least one of the early series of
"A Haunted" tells of ghost hunters in a cemetery, where a boy 
is possessed by a demon. (There were some good ones, very well
produced, in the first 4 series, but it's dropped in quality since.)
The idea of shadow-people-like presences mimicking
 gravestones  in cemeteries ties in, I think, to the dark
presences, of ancient English lore, connected to barrows.
 What i mean is that the spectral beings, which we reportedly
see today, were seen historically as well. 
The human mind works in the same way now, as it did then.

Does the old debate, whether consciousness survives 
really relate to whether dark emotions survive in some way?
The protective angel which returns from sleep,
like King Arthur, to save the English people,
being one side, the other being the dark emotional side 
protecting the burial from bejng disturbed.

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