Wednesday 26 April 2017

riverside london 3

Eland road 2

 The poltergeist continued to overturn heavy furniture, 
and break objects , including several window panes, 
and drop or throw objects like coal, stones, and
potatoes, as the days went by. Harry Price and the reporter 
found evidence of the damage, and had near misses,
 as when a gas lighter, weighing a couple of ounces 
apparently landed on the floor behind their backs.
A little while later young Fred, was taken to hospital
for examination, as it was believed that he was responsible.
Despite his absence, the poltergeist's behaviour remained.
Mrs Perkins said that whilst she tried to prepare dinner, 
chairs began to line up and march down the hall.
This particular trick has become somewhat famous in 
poltergeist literature.
It even got a cartoon to itself in an issue of Punch.
A policeman was called in and he didn't believe her, 
but  once he was gone an attache case flew across the room, 
 an umbrella jumped from its stand, and the table fell over.....

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