Tuesday 25 April 2017

riverside london 2

Eland Road

In Poltenrgeist over London Harry Price devoted a chapter 
 to Eland Road. Lavender Hill...the Robinson House.
This is the one, where the property backed onto a mental
health institution, so ... of course... they got blamed for the
 stone throwing. The house was a typical suburban house
 of a working class family, two floors and gardens back and front.
 Its occupants were the elderly Henry, 86, Frederick(27) 
and his three daughters, Lillah, Kate and the widowed 
Mrs George Perkins, and her son Peter.
This house was to come to be dubbed "the mystery house"
bY the press. It appears to have come to Harry's attention
 at Christmas 1927. He visited in January, at the same time 
as a "garrulous female journalist"
The house had been reduced to mayhem by the poltergeist
already, Windows and furniture was smashed, and ornaments broken.
They had lived there 25 years without incident. Then on November 29th
in true Fortean style, lumps of coal, pieces of soda, 
and pennies began to fall on the conservatory behind the house.
Red hot cinders formed in a pile in the outhouse.
When the old man's bedroom window was smashed they decided
to move him out

Even as they did, a heavy chest of drawers crashed to the floor
of the bedroom......

....to be continued.....

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