Wednesday 28 September 2016



There's an interest in alternative history out there.
The Da Vinci Code is a case in point.
Of course there are those historians, who say pseudo-history 
has no value at all, but they're wrong.
You've probably heard it said that the pragmatic
Scientific age destroys everything, which we want to believe in;
that it stifles faith. If you want to prove that nothing odd exists,
then nothing odd does exist, but how sad that is.
There is a second kind of history, which we need.
It's an alternative history, if you like.
That type of history is called myth.
The ancient Greeks were a rational society, but they had a body of myth.
They had a mythic life.

This society wants to ruin the mythic life of our culture.
Art without history is hollow, like advertising.
Films redesigning old classic movies in the modern idiom
don't, can't improve on this classics.
Replacing classics with something shallow is not a way forward.
And the same is true with our legends. 
They are a thread of our history, which we shouldn't replace.
I'd like to draw our attention to some of these threads.
I don't want to disprove or prove the oddities of our superstitious thought,
Just prompt more thought about how interesting some of the old ideas were.

At this moment i am considering the Black Dog and the Wild Hunt for 
a story, which I'm writing.
So i'll draw your attention to Quatermass and the Pit,
Which as far as i know, is the only film to touch on this
Without perhaps being a  lame and nasty horror movie.

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