Thursday 15 September 2016

Hinton Ampner 2.

Hinton Ampner

Back in July i responded to an article in the Fortean Times about 
The Hinton Ampner case
In this month's issue, I notice a follow-up in the letters column
Which matches my ideas, and it's gratifying to see someone critical of the 
History of the so-called discovered tunnels.
The author stayes that Fea's "Secret Chambers and Hiding Places"
Did not give a source for his claim, and states that it might be 
that Fea used assertions by John Duthy in "Sketches of Hampshire" (1839)
 whose source was probably hearsay.

Like i questioned, it was a haunting that went on for a long period 
and to claim that servants would perpetuate a hoax 
for that length of time, was an odd one to say the least.

I like this toing and froing of letters and observations. That was what 
would have made Notes and Queries, 
and similar Victorian magazines interesting at the time. 
That feels good, to say that the Fortean Times
 is in the true tradition of Victorian fireside magazines !

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