Tuesday 20 September 2016

Borley 1


Shall i talk about Borley?
My bookshelf has a lot of content on this.
Was Harry Price a faker? Or just a product of his time?
He made a lot of this story, when it came into his hands, but 
Others were already doing that before he even arrived.

Before he came there was probably little more
Than a story of the nun, and the Reverend Foyster's wife's elaborations.
 She is supposed to have invented a lot of it to cover 
Up her liaison with a younger man, 
But surely the reverend Foyster knew what was going on..
And what an elaborate way to cover up?
Borley Rectory
This is the famous or infamous "most haunted house in England.
Of course it no longer exists. At the end of Harry Price's story about it, 
it had burnt to the ground. 

Let's begin at the beginning, with the Bulls......

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