Tuesday 13 September 2016

Bell Witch 3

Bell Witch

This is  another where stories vary.
There's  a gap between the events and the story's publication.
In 1804, when the events happened, 
We have no topical writing. 
Ingram's book was 1894.
Stories associated with it may be apocryphal. 
That Andrew Jackson visited the site of the haunting, 
And Ingram does not even mention that or Bell's death, in his book.
Surely he would.? 
Are those two elements even later embellishments?
Is it possible that much more has been made of the story by Chinese Whispers.
Apparently the diary was never proven to exist, 
but Goodspeed's "History of the Bell Witch" Used it as a source.

For all of the movies using it as a base, is it no more than legend, 
A tale built up by word of mouth over the years, 
And other writers and  storytellers  further additions?

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