Friday 4 November 2016



Well, it has been remarked that they may be the Wels catfish, 
possibly resident in England once,
 and a regular problem as they do  grow to massive sizes.
There seems to be an idea that the dragon, in the orient 
Was the line of force, or energy, the Chi,
Which ran through places, like a leyline.
This energy is often assicated with flowing water.
Dragons are the spirits of the water.
If you don't believe that view, watch 
"Spirited Away" where the storyline hinges on the fact.

T.C. Lethbridge(1901-71
The spirit in the waters in the eastern view is an energy 
reminiscent of Bulwer Lytton's "vril"
T.C.Lethbridge whose book "Ghost and Ghoul"
is a classic, posited underground water as a cause 
of psychic disturbance. 
That  the presence of types of stone may be involved as well-
The Stone Tape theory, (more of which anon)
is a similar idea, but water as a conductor of electricity:
That I find interesting. Lethbridge was an innovative thinker.
Today in our scientific age we have lost those special people
who think "out of the  box"
It's a shame.Now less and less are we allowed to.

For more on Lethbridge, consult wikipedia.
Get Ghost and Ghoul, if you can find a copy.
 How exactly does flowing water and psychic energy manifest?

To be continued......

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