Tuesday 15 November 2016

Mother Shipton

Ursula Soothtell, (1488-1561)
was that really her name?
Here's an early image of herself

She was a witch of some notoriety, 
alleged to have been able to foretell the future,
rather like Nostradamus, of major events 
like the Great Fire of London.
and to commune with demons.
There is a cave named after her, and a statue inside
She came to be called Mother Shipton by marrying a carpenter 
called Tony Shipton.
According to her the world came to an end in 1881.
Frankly, i do believe her.... 
We are now living in a great computer program.
Did she also foresee that?

A lot of her prophecies post date her. She was one of these 
individuals, who was posthumously made into something
greater than she had originally been
She even has a moth named after her.
Can you see a witch's face in the wing patterns?
She is supposed to be hideously  ugly
So, why did Tony marry her? Was he enchanted by her,
Or.... was he a practitioner himself, who believed that
marriage to such a powerful witch would be of magical benefit to him?

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