Wednesday 30 November 2016

shadow people

Shadow people

My personal feeling is that there are forces resident within us,
And that they can manifest.
A poltergeist is a case in point, where during a troubled
adolescence, a physically potent agency becomes active.
It usually isn't murderous, despite makers of horror movies
trying to tell us otherwise, and most of the time,
even throwing an object at someone doesn't cause injury.
It's more of a disturbance than an act of hate.
That devolves on the demonic, which is a totally different kind of story.
I imagine that shadow people mark a transition line between 
A ghost or a poltergeist and a demon.
Maybe they represent where one of these is going to manifest,
where it is feeding on energy, our fear and other negative emotions, 
to try and  become real. It's what is described in fiction as our 
"dark side", that's pretty close to being our shadow.

It has a watching brief. The thing seen out of the corner of the eye,
Or the darkness, which walks beside you, 
if you happen to be walking alone in the wilderness,
or the gravestone, which isn't there, and looks like a human being
with head and shoulders, if you are alone in a cemetery  after dark.
It probably watches you at night, when you are a child, 
to see if you could be a suitable candidate for possession....

As they said in A Haunting, in the first few series
Before they chickened out.....
"In this world there is real evil......."

It's us ourselves!

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